#832 – No Condemnation

Good morning people who desire to live free

This week we have the privilege of hearing from an incredible man of God and a great friend of mine. His name is Graeme Cann and he has been my mentor for many years; he is one of the wisest and most trusted men I know. I am blessed every time I speak to him and I know you will be too. Here’s Graeme – Enjoy!

(By Graeme Cann)

During this week we are going to look together at seven freedoms that God has given to us through His unconditional forgiveness. These seven freedoms are Freedom from God’s Condemnation; Freedom from Self Condemnation; Freedom from Bitterness and Resentment; Freedom to Forgive Others; Freedom from the Power of Painful Memories; Freedom from the Power of the Perpetrator and Freedom to Pursue Reconciliation.

Today let’s look at Freedom from God’s Condemnation.

When Adam and Eve sinned they put themselves and indeed the whole human race in a precarious position. Sin was always going to attract the condemnation and judgement of God and therefore that judgement was going to fall upon man. But listen to what Paul tells us.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

The judgement of God fell on Christ instead of us. Because sin has been condemned and punished through Christ’s sacrifice, God is in a position to forgive us and restore His relationship with us. This redemptive act of our loving heavenly Father means that we are gloriously free.

Listen to Paul again.

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk in the flesh but in the Spirit.

God’s action on the cross buys us freedom from His condemnation. Our decision to walk or live daily in that truth enables us to experience that freedom. No matter what we have done, His forgiveness is sufficient to cover all our sins.

Celebrate this today by fully embracing His gift of Grace.

Further Reading: Romans 5:1-11

(Today’s BIY written by Graeme Cann)