#839 – Captivated

Good morning people who love God

From my prophetic journal:

“When we are not captivated by the beauty of God we will be distracted by the cares of the world.”

This world is so tangible; so real, that it can often be foremost in our minds and in our lives. The challenge is that much of life is filled with cares that would love to take our full attention; cares that weaken the strongest of people.

But God is greater.

Let me quote again the words of that incredible song that always touches my heart.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus; look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.

I just noticed the word strangely as I was typing. On the one hand it’s not natural for us to look at Jesus more than we look at our problems. Our natural tendency is to be overwhelmed and focused on the cares of this world. But when we do live life as we were created to live, and that is with a God-focus, the things of earth, the natural things, the challenges, the cares of this world