#1175 – In The Word

Good morning Bible-believing Christians

The power is in the Word of God!!!!

I know we all have many challenges. I know we all have many “reasons” why it’s just not that simple. I know we have all faced contradictions and difficulties. I know that we have all had our faith tested. I know.

But let me tell you this morning something I know more than that…

The power is in the Word of God!!!!

I love you, but respectfully, your experience is not more powerful than the Word of God…unless you allow it to be. Your disappointment is not more powerful than the Word of God…unless you allow it to be. Your challenges and contradictions are not more powerful than the Word of God…unless you allow them to be. Those accusations and frustrations are not more powerful than the Word of God…unless you allow them to be.

The power is in the Word of God!!!!

I know that’s what you say, but tell me what God says.

The power is in the Word of God!!!!

I know that’s how you feel, but tell me what God says.

The power is in the Word of God!!!!

It’s time for the Word of God to become sovereign in our lives again. It’s time for our confidence to come from what God says in His Word.

Will you dare to take God at His Word…right now…today…in your present situation…in your difficulty…before you see the answer…before the healing…despite what others say…will you believe?

John 8:31-32 To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, “If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”