#1303 – Well Done

Good morning people committed to finish their assignment,

Acts 13:25a As John was completing his work…

This statement challenged me about fulfilling the purpose of God for my life. God has a specific plan that He has assigned to me…and He has one for you.

I don’t want to be a person who starts well but does not complete what God has preplanned for me. I really do want to, and plan to, hear God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant”.

Being good is not sufficient. We need to also be faithful; not faithful to what we want to achieve but faithful to what God has told us to do.

So are you on track to complete God’s assignment for you?

It’s all too easy to get distracted from God’s plan for our lives. Sometimes we need to get back on track. Sometimes disappointments deter us from moving forward in God’s intentions. Sometimes it’s pleasure and living for the moment that holds us back from God’s best. There are many reasons.

I want to encourage those of you who started well but have stopped pursuing God’s plan to get back on track today. It’s time to be realigned with God’s purpose for your life. It’s time to get back on track so that you can complete your God-ordained work.

I’m feeling prompted right now that some of you need to unlock some doors of God’s purposes that you have locked up. Some of you need to take God’s plan off the top shelf, dust it off and re-engage. I beg you not to let hurt and disappointment rob you of your divine potential and heritage.

I want to love you enough to say today, it’s not enough to just live a “good Christian life”. We are not called for the status quo – we are called to greater. We are called to more. We have a God-ordained plan and it’s not too late to pick it up again.

Today is your day to allow the Holy Spirit to bring new life to that which has died or been laid down.

Will you let him?