#5176 – Holy Spirit Testifying

Good morning people who are grateful for the work of the Holy Spirit.

John 15:26 NIV “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me.”

The Holy Spirit comes from the Father. What glorious news!

Yes, Jesus went back to His Father, but before He did, He promised to send the Holy Spirit. Jesus called Him, “the Spirit of truth”, and this is exactly who He is.

As the Spirit of truth, He primarily came to testify about the Truth; about Jesus. In fact, this is what Jesus said the Holy Spirit will do.

The truth is, nobody has ever been saved unless the Holy Spirit has revealed Jesus to them. Salvation does not happen by way of naturally learning, but by receiving spiritual revelation. This is the Holy Spirit revealing Jesus to people!

I love the power of the Holy Spirit as He heals people and sets people free. I am seeing it more and more, and I praise God every time I see the Spirit move. My prayer is that we desire this more than ever.

But let’s not forget that the greatest miracle is salvation, and salvation cannot happen outside of the Holy Spirit revealing Jesus!

So, if you have people who need to encounter Jesus, pray for the Holy Spirit to bring revelation to them. This is how you were saved, and this is how they will be saved too.