#5562 – Morning Prayers

Good morning people who do not start your day before you talk to the Lord.

Psalms 5:1-3 NIV Listen to my words, Lord, consider my lament. Hear my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.

There is something so very right about talking to the Lord first thing in the morning. There is something equally right about talking to Him all through your day too.

I believe many need a fresh revelation that God loves to hear your voice. That’s right, He loves to hear your voice. He loves to hear the words from your heart, but He also likes the sound of your voice. Maybe you have never heard this before, and I have never said it before, but I know I am writing under the inspiration of God.

Your voice has a tone and your tone comes from the Lord. He created your body, including your vocal cords. Your voice is just the right frequency and pitch to be pleasing to God. Why? Because He made your voice!

There is nothing off limits in your conversation with the Lord in the morning. David mentions his words, his lament, his cry for help and his requests. It’s quite a wide range of prayers first thing in the morning.

But David brings everything to God. And maybe that should be our posture too: bring everything to God.

Following David’s early morning prayers, David then waits expectantly. David anticipates God’s answer and God’s intervention. His prayers are not out of religious duty or obligation. He loves to talk to his God and He knows that he is heard by Him.

Therefore he waits expectantly and actively. He knows God is working in him, working for him and working through him. The same is true in the life of every humble son and daughter of God.

May your first words each day be to the One who created you and the One who truly is for you.