#5567 – Drink from Wells

Good morning people whose life is pure enough for others to drink from.

I was recently watching a sermon that my Dad spoke, and I heard the Lord say, “You drink from wells – you don’t just listen to sermons.”

My Dad, David McCracken, is a man of the highest integrity. He walks with Father like no other I know. His delight is to please God. His life has been fully given for kingdom purpose. My natural father is my spiritual father, and he is and always will be one of Father’s greatest gifts in my life. I gladly follow him as he follows Christ.

And so when Dad speaks, I listen. It’s not about the content matter as much as it is about the well that I am drinking from. Dad’s well is pure, and therefore, what flows from him is pure. Dad’s well has been filled by Father, and so I drink deeply, because by doing so, I draw closer to the Father.

For those of you who are privileged to minister God’s Word, how pure is your well? How deeply are you drinking daily from Father? Is your life worth following, because your sermons are only as helpful as your life is holy.

For every reader, someone is watching you and drawing conclusions about God from your life. By observing you and by drinking from your well, are they stepping deeper and closer into relationship with the Father?

I want to go back to the well that I largely drink from, and that is my Dad. I trust Dad’s well, and therefore, I confidently recommend his well to you. I encourage you to feed on some of the life-giving and Father-focused truths that he shares.

Here’s a few ways that you can do this: