#5578 – Motivated by Love

Good morning people who follow the example of God the Father.

Writing ‘Believing in You’ is to be an overflow of my time with the Father. And so today, I will do this in a vulnerable way. Let me start with a well-known verse to set this up:

John 3:16 NIV For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The reason the Father sent Jesus was because of His deep love for the world. You might say, “Of course Steve, I know that.” And I would say that I do too.

But then I am convicted by the following truth that the Spirit whispered to me:

“It wasn’t His frustration, His disappointment or His anger at the world, but rather, it was His love for the world that motivated the Father and the Son to love so deeply.”

God loved the world – that’s why He sent Jesus.

Do I love the world or am I frustrated, disappointed or angry at the world?

Sometimes it is the latter (I’m being honest). Sometimes I see the sin more than I see the precious people who desperately need a Saviour and a Father. I’m still learning and growing in this. Maybe you are too.

So here’s my prayer for us today:

May we be purely and solely motivated by love for the world. May we have Father’s heart for the people that Jesus came to save.