#5579 – From Prison Cells

Good morning people who do not let your circumstances determine your contentment.

We all go through difficulties and challenges. Sometimes they can seem all-consuming. I have had plenty of these, and it has definitely been a season where these have intensified.

Recently I was praying about one of these situations and I asked Father to change it.

We must understand that He is our Father, and He really does care about us. Sometimes He cares so much that He changes a situation. Sometimes He cares so much that He changes us in the situation.

Here’s the response that I heard from Father:

I felt Father ask me if I can thrive with the situation still happening. This is not the response I expected or wanted. But then He started to unpack this further:

I was reminded that Paul thrived in prison, and his request for prayers was that he may fearlessly make known the gospel while in prison.

I’m further reminded that Stephen was praying for those stoning him, and not praying for the stoning to stop.

I was stirred and challenged!

I believe Father’s greater desire for me is that my joy and peace is not circumstantial any longer. He is my joy! He is my peace! He is my strength! He is my hope!

Here’s what Paul wrote from his horrific prison cell:

Philippians 4:12-13 NIV I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

May this be the reality and testimony of my life too.