#5954 – Kindness & Repentance

Good morning people whose lives lead people into an encounter with Jesus.

Romans 2:4 NIV Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?

God’s kindness is intended to lead people to repentance. I believe we really need a deeper revelation of this.

There have been a lot of ‘turn or burn’ sermons over the years. I am not against speaking the truth in love, including when that truth is direct and confrontive. In fact, I’m against watered-down, compromise-riddled teaching that is spoken in the guise of love. It helps nobody.

But this scripture needs to be reclaimed more and more.

There is a connection between God’s kindness, forbearance and patience. God is not soft on sin – He is big on people. It really is true that God loved the world so much that He sent His Son. It is also true that God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world.

God is kind, and it’s His kindness that is the link to people’s salvation.

And this is the important point. The kindness of God and the kindness of God’s people is not primarily and solely to make people feel better and to help them out. We must be careful to not “use” kindness to achieve a goal – we must be kind because God is kind. But the Bible says that God’s kindness is intended to lead somewhere, and that somewhere is repentance; a change of thinking.

For those who are against God, an encounter with God’s kindness is meant to lead them to a place of believing that God is for them and that He loves them. Something is meant to shift as a result of God’s kindness being seen.

And this is equally true in our lives. Our kindness should result in people meeting Jesus. I’m not saying that every act of kindness has a scripture or a sermon attached to it. But I am saying that the Bible declares the intended destination of kindness is repentance that leads to salvation.

Let’s meditate on this today and see what Father is saying to us as His children.