#690 – Perfect Peace

Good morning people who trust in the Lord

Living in peace is not the absence of challenges but the awareness of and dependency on God through those challenges.

Isaiah 26:3-4 You (God) will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal.

Our steadfastness, according to this passage, is not in our circumstance but in our God who is sovereign over all, including over our circumstance. Do we look to God or to the circumstances? Be assured, looking primarily at many of our circumstances will rob even the strongest person of faith.

It says God will keep us in perfect peace. In other words, it is not a work of the flesh but of the Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit of God who is our Comforter in times of trouble (John 14:25-27).

It also says we are to trust in the Lord forever. Why does it add the word ‘forever’ in this passage? I think it’s because we often get discouraged waiting for God to change our circumstance. If we’re honest, it’s easy to get disappointed. I understand this as I too wonder at times what is happening.

But I want to lovingly redirect us to one aspect of God that is unchanging and always reliable. That is the faithfulness of God. God’s ways are always perfect. God is always for us. God is never late.

I love how the verse above finishes. It reminds us exactly Who our God is. It says ‘for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal’. Why does it say ‘the Lord’ twice? I believe it is emphasising “We’re talking about God here”, not just another person or even higher being. This is God and He is our Rock, our Fortress, our Deliverer and our Strong Tower, and not just now but forever!!!