#697 – Rest In God

Good morning people who God loves dearly

Life is busy. Life is full. There are many demands on all of us. Sometimes it feels like we are just going from one thing to the next. This is not always avoidable and I’m not here to downplay or trivialise what you have to do.

I do however want to share something that happened recently.

It was a Friday and I was going to be preaching that night. It was late morning and I was at work (for me it is the ministry centre at DMM). I wasn’t feeling too good physically and I was very tired. I was finding it difficult to concentrate and I was thinking about being fresh for the ministry coming up.

I had a moment of decision; what should I do with my time right now? Many practical things required my attention but I knew I wanted to be fresh in my spirit for that night.

I felt to put on some worship music and just sit there. Within minutes I felt my spirit start to be refreshed. It was the Michael W. Smith Worship album on my computer and I quietly joined in as we sang songs like ‘Heart of Worship’, ‘Draw Me Close’, ‘Above All’ and ‘Our God Is An Awesome God’.

I’m reminded of the simple spiritual discipline of just sitting in God’s presence. It’s in these moments that we can allow His presence to wash over us. We can listen to the words and sing them as a love song to our God. It gives us a chance to lift up our eyes and our thoughts and to think about that which is most important. It’s a chance to regain a God perspective if we have lost it.

This time was refreshing to my spirit. In fact, I am doing it now as I write this.

When was the last time you took some time to sit at Jesus’ feet? When was the last time you were refreshed in God’s presence as you listened and soaked? When was the last time you just stopped and sat with God even for a few minutes?

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God…