#698 – Limitless God

Good morning people with a limitless God

How big is your God? He knows how big and how powerful He is, but do we?

Do we serve a God with limitations imposed on Him by our limited minds? Do we serve a God who is nicely and neatly contained in the box of our expectations and imaginations? Do we serve a God who we know exactly what He is going to do and when He is going to do it?

Or do we serve a God without limits?

God is not limited in His love. God is not limited in His grace. God is not limited in His forgiveness. God is not limited.

Hebrews 1:1 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways.

The phrases ‘at many times’ and ‘in various ways’ leapt out at me and I felt the Holy Spirit say that’s how He speaks.

God is frequently speaking to us. He is not a silent God. But He speaks in various ways. This is so important for us all to grasp otherwise we tend to miss God. He is everywhere. He is not limited. He is speaking. Are we listening?

Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities