#702 – Thank You God

Good morning people with grateful hearts.

We’ve been looking at the truth that God is The Gift-giver. This is Who He is. God gives His best for our best and He gives it for the benefit of others. Every person has gifts and talents given to them by God. Every gift and every talent is important and its importance comes from The Gift-giver.

Today I think it would be appropriate to simply take a moment and thank God for giving you your gifts. I think it would also be appropriate to dedicate the rest of our lives to using our gifts for the glory of the One who gave the gifts to us for the benefit and blessing of others.

Psalm 92:1 It is a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to His Name.

Let me use business people as an example and why don’t you put your prayer to God in your own words. God is so incredibly good and wonderful.

Business people, your gifts and talents that have helped you succeed were given to you by God. You did not make yourself succeed, God did. He is the One you need to thank today. Never lose sight of that. Thank God today for your business mind, your wisdom, your connections, your staff, your ideas, your internal motivation, your diligence, your administration gift, your leadership gift…?

We serve the Giver of Life and He is always worthy of all of our praise.