#710 – Deep Love

Good morning those who understand God’s great love

Luke 15:11-13 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.

When I understand the greatness of what God has given, the depth to which I have fallen and then the extravagance of the love God freely gives me, I am speechless.

God gave us our inheritance. He blesses us with all that is His. Like the father in this story, He divides up His property and gives us generously from what is His. We are His children and He loves us.

What do we do?

There are three things in this passage that often describe mankind’s response to the Father’s goodness.

The first thing I notice is it was not long after receiving the Father’s goodness, that the son got together all he had and left. Oh how quickly we forget that God is the One who has lavished us with His goodness, kindness and love.

Secondly the son went to a distant country. It could have left the word ‘distant’ out but this is an accurate description of what we often do. Many times we run as far away from God as possible.

Lastly I see that this son squandered all that he had been given by the Father. I am choking up as I write this because I see myself so often in this story. But I am not emotional now because of my own lack, although I do feel that many times, but because of an understanding of just how much God loves me despite what I’ve done.

You may identify with something I’ve said. There’s more in this incredible story to come but for today please, please know, or at least start to accept just how incredibly deep God’s love is for you. God loves you so much. He knows what you’ve done and He still deeply, deeply loves you.