#738 – God’s Grace

Good morning people forgiven by God

Have you ever noticed how strong the flesh is at times? It seems to be that there are constant attacks against that which is godly. But praise God we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ! Praise God that we can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength to overcome! Praise God that with every temptation, God Himself always provides a way of escape! Praise God for His goodness to us!

Yet sometimes we miss the mark; we all do. But God is quick to forgive us. I hope you know how big God’s heart is for you. I love the following verse which shows us just how much God desires us to be free.

Psalm 19:12 Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults.

Sometimes we make mistakes and aren’t even aware of them. Yet some religions demand that you go on a continual witch-hunt of discovering what ways you have failed and missed the mark. Many religions focus on living continual lives of self-appraisal followed by self-atonement. Unfortunately many times as Christians this becomes our focus too, and from my own personal experience I can tell you this will wear you down.

Today I pray you receive a revelation of God’s love for you and acceptance of you. Ask God to forgive you of all sins, including ones you might not be aware of. Then move on and live life with joy and purpose. If there is something that God needs to chat to you about and deal with further, let Him initiate it. Don’t go looking for another thing to repent of. Your part, my part, is to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, to receive fully from Him and move forward in God’s grace.