#745 – Friendship & Freshness

Good morning people committed to being friendly

(By Margaret McCracken)

The reality of life is that it is getting busier and busier with more and more stress, especially in the Western world. The result is often our relationships suffer and in particular our marriages. Second to our relationship with God, His desire is that our marriage relationship is the most wonderful, fulfilling and rewarding of all relationships.

Early in our marriage we decided that when we reached our 70’s and 80’s (and beyond!) our marriage should still be fresh and for us to be best friends. That is our plan, priority and strategy which we have pursued even through the ebb and flow of the seasons of life.

We pursue friendship on purpose.

Hebrews 13:4a (The Amplified) Let marriage be held in honour (esteemed worthy, precious, of great price, and especially dear) in all things.

We are now in our 60’s and we still guard against boredom and routine in our relationship. We regularly go out on dates, spend quality time together, walking on the beach or in the bush, talking and listening to each other, having a romantic dinner and much more. We tell each other we love each other and keep the romance alive.

This is the time to take stock of our marriage and ask the question, “Has life just become predictable and routine? Maybe it’s time to freshen up our marriage.”

What can you do this week to surprise your spouse and add some excitement and freshness to your marriage? Come on, I dare you!

(Today’s BIY written by Margaret McCracken)