#772 – God’s Desires

Good morning people God delights in

(By David McCracken)

We are looking at Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart”.

Today we take a look at the third word that I mentioned a few days ago: “desires”. This word literally translated from the Hebrew means: “a desire that when spoken becomes a petition”.

When putting “delight”, “give” and “desires” together, we see the most powerful thought: when I “bubble over” with delight for my Father, He takes desires that He has for my life and plants them into the relaxed womb of my own spirit. That desire then bubbles up within me and I speak it back to Him in the form of a prayer. That is why the very next verse says in Psalm 37:5: “Trust also in Him and he will surely bring it to pass”.

Why? Because He authored it in the first place! It was His idea!

Friends, when you receive a desire that comes direct from His heart to yours it is utterly indestructible! If it is mingled with your own obedience and faith, it WILL come to pass!

Let me sum up these last few days. The secret to guidance is to be a worshipper. Rediscover the sheer delight in loving Father for no other reason than He deserves it more than words could ever say. Confidence and boldness in life comes out of knowing you are walking in intimacy with your affectionate Father and that He is authoring the desires of your heart.

Be secure in that and dare to dream dreams of the new horizons and enlarged territory that He longs to bring you into.

My thanks to Steve for allowing me to share the journey with you. I look forward to doing it again some time.

Love & God bless


(Today’s BIY written by David McCracken)